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Ырықсыз етісте жасалатын құрылымдар

for use by either Army or police? (M. S., 1970)

26. «The weather report promises heavy snow moving in from the west,» he said.  It will be here by evening, so I’m going toNew Yorktoday. By tomorrow we may be snowed in. (Ph. A. Whitney. The Winter People)

’27. Mutiny Charge

Two black marines, George Daniels and Lance-cor­poral William Harvey, were court-martial led for making anti-war statements during a talk-in session and sen­tenced to ten and six years respectively. (M. S., 1970)

28. It was not until he had received his apology that our touchy friend would suffer himself   to be appeased. (A. Conan Doyle, The Lost World)

29.    The ancient Phoenician city ofSareptahas been unearthed on the coast ofLebanon. It is the first home city of sea-?????

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Ырықсыз етісте жасалатын құрылымдар


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