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Қазақстандағы ғылыми кітаптар басылымының тарихы


The history of the publishing of scientific books in Kazakhstan (20- 40-iesofthe 20th century)


 This dissertational work is devoted to the problem of the publication of scientific books in Kazakhstan in 20-40-ies of the 20th century. In this work for the first time the history of the publication of scientific literature of Kazakhstan of this period is investigated from different points of view. The research has great importance for the homeland history because the author showed the influence of science into the process of publication of scientific books in Kazakhstan. The achievements of the science of Kazakhstan were lightened in the scientific periodicals.

 The purpose of the researchis to show the history of publication of scientific books of Kazakhstan in 20-40-ies of the 20th century. According to this purpose the following problems have been put in the work:

- to characterize the state of publishing of scientific books in Kazakhstan before 1917;

- to analyze the state policy of the Soviet Government in the field of national education and book publishing;

- to generalize the stages of origination and development of publishing in Kazakhstan and its tasks;

- to show the main directions of  the publishing products;

- to give the characteristics to textbooks and manuals;

- to reveal and analyze the informative elements of scientific and popular scientific editions;

- to characterize the publishing work of scientific organizations on study of Kazakhstan and other scientific, popular scientific organizations and  establishments;

- to show the activity of the Kazakh intelligentsia on studying the regions and the organization of publishing;

-to evaluate the level of development of the Kazakh scientific book publishing in 20-30ies of the 20th century;

Scientific novelty of the researchis defined first of all by the fact that it is one of the first attempts in the domestic history to investigate the problem of the scientific book publishing in Kazakhstan in 20-40-ies of the 20th century.

- For the first time in the history of Kazakhstan the history of scientific booksis systematized and investigated in complex;

- The known information on the activity of the publishing houses is examined from the new point of view.

 It is proved that studying the reformatory movement and the heritage of the representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia is the basis of the research of the history of scientific books;

- The cognitive function of the textbooks of 20-40-ies of the 20th century and their correspondence to the requirements to textbooks are determined.

Positions taken out on discussion:

The history of the scientific books of 20-40-ies of the 20th century demands its systematization on the basis of general scientific methods;

- Mainly national and translated scientific literature was published because in 20-30-ies of the 20th century the representatives of the Kazakh intelligentsia worked in publishing houses;

It is necessary to investigate the history of the process of creation and publishing of scientific books of Kazakhstan on the basis of activity and heritage of the Kazakh intelligence;

- The creation of the Book Chamber has influenced the development of book publishing, issue of year-books, annals and indexes of press. These indexes give possibility to make analysis of the scientific editions;

- The features of colonial policy on the Soviet example were manifested in the policy of the Soviet government in the organization of publishing;

The history of scientific books has made the basis for the complex development of science in Kazakhstan.

 Structure of the work.The dissertation consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, and also the list of the used works, sources and the application.

 Degree of approval.The basic results and theses of dissertational research have been approved at the international conferences, and also in scientific editions.






Қазақстандағы ғылыми кітаптар басылымының тарихы

(ХХ ғ. 20–40 жж.)



07.00.02 – Отан тарихы

(Қазақстан Республикасының тарихы)



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