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Қазақ шаруаларын отырықшылыққа көшірудегі мемлекет саясаты (ХХ ғ. 20-30-шы жж.)

se of the process of sedentarization of Kazakh peasantry which along with forcible collectivization of the agricultural sector of republic led to the destruction of traditional structure of nomadic and semi-nomadic population, and also the activity of state offices on transforming Kazakh people to sedentary life.
The purpose of research is to show Soviet power policy on sedentarization of Kazakh people. The following tasks were put in the research proceeding from this purrose:
- to examine the position of Kazakh sharua before the revolution of 1917 and during the first years of Soviet power;
- to characterize the process of sedentarization of Kazakh peasantry in 20-30-s of XX century;
- to analyse influence and interconnection of collectivization towards schedules sedentarization;
- to show the level of state and public assistance to nomadic and semi-nomadic population during the course of sedentarization;
- to analyse the influence of forcible agrarian policy of Soviet power on course of Kazakh sedentarization
- to characterize the work of the Committee on Sedentarization;
- to show the course of sedentarization of Kazakh peasantry provided at the same time with forcible collectivization and also the consequences of these processes;
- to analyse the reasons of peasants uprisings against Soviet power4
- to show the social – economic problems of the population in the regions of sedentarization.
The scientific newness of the dissertation is defined, first of all, with the fact that it is one of the first attampts in native historiography to research the problem of sedentarization of Kazakh nomadic and semi-nomadic population in the context of state agrarian policy of Soviet power in 20-30-s of the XX century.
Rules put on the protestion:
The state agrarian policy of the Soviet power in 20-30-s of XX century mainly led to the creation of the great, collective farms, which gave to the state an opportunity to produce more effectively agricultural production. In the state of proletariat dictatoship at the same time with forcible collectivization, without taking into considaration the interests of Kazakh people was provided the transformation to sedentaization. In the context of forcible collectivization the problem of sedentarization became second – rank issues. Except this, sedentarization of Kazakh people was not accompanied by necessary material foundation which in the 1921 when the country was suffering from starvation led to tragic consequences.
The methodological basis of the dissertation are founded on the following principles: principles of objectivity, system analysis and historizism.
The theoretical and practical importance of the research consists of conclusions and offerings, formulated on results of the dissertation, which could be used in high educational institutes, in reading of special courses, in preparation of scientific works and manuals and also in the works concerning the history of Kazakhstan.
The basic results of the present reserach, it’s theoretical offerings and conclusions and recommendations which are made on their basis have passed approbation at the scientific – practical conferences. The basic content of the dissertation was published in different scientific journals and collections.
Dissertation wok consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of used works and sources.

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Қазақ шаруаларын отырықшылыққа көшірудегі мемлекет саясаты (ХХ ғ. 20-30-шы жж.)


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