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Қазақстанда кәсіпкерліктің қалыптасу және даму тарихы (1861-1917 жж.)

ing of history of formation and development of enterprise in Southern region of Kazakhstan since 1861 till 1917 years.      

To achieve the aim there are following objectives:

-         To show political and economical laws of formation and development of enterprise in Southern region of Kazakhstan;

-         To analyze influence of the home industry on formation and development of enterprise;

-         To consider a degree of development of trade relations in enterprise;

-         To determine a level of development of rural enterprise in Southern region of Kazakhstan;

-         To analyze features of development of enterprise in sphere rendering of services to local population (transport, сraft-art, household branches);

-         To assess social and ethnic structure of enterprise in Southern region, to especially professional opportunities of the Kazakh enterprisers.

The methodological basisof the dissertation are principles of scientific character, objectivity in formation and development of enterprise in Southern region of Kazakhstan, sociopolitical aspects have been taken into account. The basis of the dissertation is made with general scientific methods of historical knowledge and системности.

Use of these methods of research enables to show history of development of the industry of Southern Kazakhstan not deforming the facts.

The scientific noveltyof the dissertation is determined, first of all that during the considered period the level of development of private enterprise in Southern Kazakhstan it is investigated in view of local, regional features. Besides, during studying formation and development of enterprise in Kazakhstan it is shown role and value of Southern region.

Chronological frameworks of researchinclude 1861-1917 years, the period of occurrence of enterprise in Southern Kazakhstan before revolution in Kazakhstan.

The territorial frameworks of dissertational research include territory of Southern and Southeast Kazakhstan, and also Syr-Darya and Zhetisy areas playing during pre-revolutionary time the important political and economical meaning.

The dissertation will consist of introduction, the list of definitions, reductions and designations, three chapters, conclusion, the list of the used literature and appendixes.

In introduction actuality of research and a degree of level of scrutiny of the problem, the aim and task, a subject and object of research are considered; the base, its scientific and practical importance is opened; the sources, chronological, territorial frameworks and the methodological basis of the dissertation are determined.

In the first chapter are analyzed political-economical bases of formation of enterprise in Southern region. The ways of reforms of imperial administration of 60th years of XIX century to Southern Kazakhstan are revealed, especially, in change tax, movement policy.  In addition, the basic directions of development of trading and industrial branches, also positive influence of development the infrastructure on formation of home local enterprise are investigated. Alongside with it changes in a colonial policy are marked.

In the second chapter, it is carried out analysis of the historical instructions giving the basis to development of enterprise in Southern Kazakhstan. The special attention is given to the role of formation and development of home enterprise, its influence on development of trade, agriculture, rendering of services to the population.

During studying this problem, it is revealed dependence of enterprise in Southern Kazakhstan from economy of imperial administration. The low estimation to development trade, the industries, agriculture, to rendering of services to the population is given.

In the third chapter there are considered social and ethnic structure of enterprise of Southern region, the analysis is given to professional skill and opportunities of the Kazakh enterprisers. As the result of research it is proved, that ethnic and social composition of Southern Kazakhstan is various. In this connection, despite of given privileges on the part of the state the visitor of enterprisers, looks through own ways of business dealing by the Kazakh enterprisers.

In the conclusion results work of research are brought, conclusions of work are formulated.

The thesis for defence:

-         Formation and development of enterprise in Southern Kazakhstan was conducted under influence of external capitalist relations and the colonial policy;

-         Home enterprise has not received wide development, because the reason was lack of the capital and knowledge, in this connection the important role foreign experts played;

-         In comparison with other kinds of enterprise in Southern region of Kazakhstan, the greater distribution has received development of commerce and trade. This was promoted by favorable natural-climatic conditions, affinity and neighborhood with Central Asian’s khans, density of structure of the population. However, it is necessary to note, that in spite of the fact that the trading capital between Russia and Central Asia has achieved the high level; the home market has been limited to production of agriculture;

-         Features of an environment of Southern Kazakhstan have enabled distribution of enterprise in agriculture. Development of enterprise in this branch, first, it was supported by imperial administration. However, enterprise appeared in difficult position. Under the circumstances enterprisers of region nearly have not lost the capital enclosed in the given branch, in this connection, they have been compelled to engage in trade mainly in easy branch;

-         In this period, the population of Southern region has not been involved to enterprise in transport, craft-art and household branches. In development of the given branches immigrants have affected, the Kazakhs were accustomed to this, by virtue of traditional thinking of the Kazakh society later, the understanding of rendering of services was alien;

-         Feature ethnic and social composition of enterprisers of Southern Kazakhstan is its variety. According to requirements of time, despite of an origin and social status, to employment by enterprise all were supposed. However, in comparison with enterprisers of the colonial states, Russian enterprisers - immigrants had more opportunities. The Kazakh enterprisers adapted more slowly. With this interfered the competition between the Russian and Central Asian enterprisers, and still kept nomadic way of life of the Kazakhs influenced.

Scientific and practical importance.Scientific conclusions and recommendations can be used for a spelling of generalizing works on history of economy of Kazakhstan, on seminar trainings in high education and special institutions. Substantial aspects of the dissertational research can be used in the program of planning and development of regional enterprise.

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Қазақстанда кәсіпкерліктің қалыптасу және даму тарихы (1861-1917 жж.)


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