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Көркем тілді адамтану парадигмасы тұрғысынан зерттеу

, сравнительного и контекстуального анализа.
Теоретическая значимость исследования. Результаты и выводы диссертационной работы в определенной степени способствуют расширению теоретической базы казахского языкознания в области исследования «языковой личности», и «картины мира», а также дальнейшему развитию и совершенствованию таких отраслей языкознания как прагмалингвистика, когнитивная лингвистика и и лингвистики текста.
Практическая значимость исследования. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при проведении спецкурсов, семинаров и практических курсах, посвященных изучению определенной языковой личности («Лингвистический анализ художественного текста», «Лингвистика текста», «Стилистика казахского языка», «Когнитивная лингвистика», «Культура речи» и пр.), а также при составлении словаря поэтического языка Ж.Нажмеденова.
Основные положения диссертации, выдвигаемые на защиту:
- антропоцентрическая парадигма выходит за рамки лингвистической проблематики, обнаруживает связь с социумом, обществом и обеспечивает духовные потребности народа;
— в контексте «язык и автор» язык оценивается не только как атрибут языковой личности, а также является им самим. Поэтому, правомерно говорить язык-личность, а не языковая личность.
- известное определение «загадка Жумекена» можно растенить не как игнорирование его творчества, а как результат интуитивной оценки в понимании вследствие отсутствия соответствующей методологии комплексного, антрополингвистического изучения художесвенного слова;
- языковые средства, используемые в стихотворениях Ж.Нажимеденова, отличаются национально-культурной спецификой, используемых им лингвокультурных единиц, имплицитная семантика, переданных приемами иносказательности , указывают на характер осознанной целевой прагматики.
- Прагматика художественно-выразительных средств в форме «құм», «дала», «Темірқазық», «Қошалақ» и др. заключается в их прецедентной характеристике.
Апробация работы. Содержание и результаты исследования отражены в 6 докладах республиканских и международных научных конференций 10 научных статьях.
Структура диссертации. Диссертация состоит из введения, двух основных разделов, заключения и списка использованной работы.

of the abstract for the competition of the scientific degree
of candidate of philological sciences
on the speciality 10.02.02 — Kazakh language

Sabirova Gulbanu Nurumovna

Research of artistic language in anthropocentric paradigm
(on the basis of the analysis of the language of poetic works of Zh.Nazhimedenov)

Urgency of the research. Study of the language of poetic heritage of the unique language person Zhumeken Nazhimedenov who has philosophical orientation of artistic thinking is connected with necessity of understanding «difficult for perception» poetic language of his works in anthropocentric paradigm as multidimensional complex system. The problem of understanding of «deep sense » of his works in Kazakh literature hasn’t been solved. It’s connected with the specificity of eccentric, philosophically thinking creative nature of the poet.
The urgency of the research is connected not only with complexity of perception and understanding of the language of Zh.Nazhimedenov, personifying his poetic phenomenon, but also with necessity of the research of extralinguistic factors which have predetermined peculiarities of his becoming creative person. The urgency of the research of the language of Zh.Nazhimedenov’s works is also caused by the necessity of understanding his language person in new anthropocentric paradigm as creative person, who has mastered national cultural – spiritual and moral — ethical values of Kazakh people, raising national literature on qualitatively new level. Therefore his poetic language certainly represents social-cultural phenomenon in modern ethnocultural space.
The purpose and the tasks of the research. With the purpose of linguocognitive study and «solution» of poetic phenomenon of Zh.Nazhimedenov, reflecting the social — spiritual environment, which has formed moral — ethical and cultural orienting points of the poet, the following tasks have been put in the work:
- to specify theoretical and methodological positions based on the principle «language and nation are unified» and directed to the study of the language person, allowing according to anthropocentric paradigm to comprehend the nature of poetic gift and artistic skill of the poet;
- To reveal on the basis of the analysis of the works of Zh.Nazhimedenov peculiarities of the social — public conditions, which has influenced formation of his knowledge and cultural — spiritual orienting points, pragmatical views of the poet, to comprehend them on the basis of lexical thesaurus (lexical fund) of the poet;
- To carry out the analysis of articles, reviews of authors and opinions of the readers, who don’t understand pragmatical views of the poet, therefore considering them «not clear»;
- To reveal language units, showing «latent» meaning of the poems of Zh.Nazhimedenov, author’s methods of allegorical meaning;
- To show the meaning of out-of-date words, informing about objective cultural — historical context, used by Zh.Nazhimedenov, to carry out analysis of the cultural (verbal — semantic) contents of the poet’s works;
- To comment on informative structure of the language means, reflecting national specificity of thinking, national picture of the world in the creative work of the poet;
- To evaluate motivation, giving secret sense, allegorical meaning to the verses of the poet, personifying his pragmatic levels, purposes, figurativeness of the poems;
Object of the research. Cultural — cognitive and pragmatical specificity of the poetic language of Zh.Nazhimedenov.
Novelty and scientific results of the research. For the first time within the framework of the given research the purpose of studying language of poetic works of Zh.Nazhimedenov in new anthropocentric paradigm is put, that has predetermined its novelty and has allowed to achieve the following scientific results:
- On the basis of the scientific research, devoted to study of language mastery of the poet in Kazakh linguistics, the conclusion has been made. that it is impossible to oppose the «former» traditional structural — ontological language paradigm and «new» anthropocentric paradigm, they complement and enrich each other;
— anthropocentric paradigm exceeds the limits of linguistic problems, it is connected with society and provides spiritual needs of people;
- For the first time language of the poetry of Zh.Nazhimedenov, is considered in connection with the reader — driving force of his poetic thought, the role of anthropocentric paradigm, directed to the comprehension of inner world of the person is indicated;
- The analysis is given to the factors which have influenced formation of the picture of the world in Zh.Nazhimedenov’s perception, to «causing» his speech, by the analysis of language richness of his works the level of his background knowledge, knowledge of the surrounding reality is revealed;
- Figurative language means are determined, which allowed the poet to create in the allegoric form the picture of the world, their connection with national idea (the analysis of author’s motivation and interpretation is given at use of proverbs — sayings, phraseological units, linguocultural units and comparisons informing about their national specificity).
Methods of the research. In dissertational research methods of narrative and historical-ethnolinguistical descriptions are used, methods of semantic, conceptual, comparative and contextual analysis are used at the semantic-associative analysis of the artistic word of the poet.
Theoretical importance of the research. Results and conclusions of the dissertational work promote in the certain degree expansion of theoretical base of the Kazakh linguistics in the field of the research of » the language person », and «picture of the world », and also to the further development and perfection of such branches of linguistics as pragmalinguistics, cognitive linguistics and linguistics of the text.
Practical importance of the research. Results of research can be used in carrying out special courses, seminars and the practical courses, devoted to the study of the certain language person («Linguistic analysis of the artistic text», «Linguistics of the text », « Stylistics of the Kazakh language », «Cognitive linguistics», «Culture of speech» etc.), and also at drawing up the dictionary of poetic language of Zh.Nazhmedenov.
Main theses of the dissertation, which are carried out for defence:
- Zh.Nazhimedenov’s poetic heritage, objectively reflecting national outlook, represents not only lexical richness of the language of the poet, but also represents an integral part of national culture and history, and therefore, it is regarded as a historical category in public — social aspect;
- The extensive dialectics of Z.Nazhimedenov’s thinking (combined with philosophy) refers him to elite type of the person, who has mastered language at the creative level. The picture of the world, created by him, the sources of which lay in the national attitude, refers him to

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